The Student Services Finance Committee granted funding eligibility to Promoting Awareness Victim Empowerment and Collegians for a Constructive Tomorrow, while denying the Indigenous Law Students Association and the State Langdon Neighborhood Association funding Monday.
These were the final groups to appear before the committee to request funding this year.
PAVE was approved unanimously by the SSFC. All shared similar sentiments regarding the value and necessity of this organization at UW-Madison.
\I think it is pretty clear that this group meets all the needed criteria and provides a really needed service to the campus community,"" Rob Welygan, a UW-Madison junior and SSFC member, said.
Eligibility for CFACT also passed unanimously, but only after deliberation concerning criteria for eligibility. Some committee members felt that CFACT failed to provide adequate proof of operation and substantial service to the campus community, but after addressing concerns with CFACT representative and UW-Madison senior Matt Modell, the organization was approved.
The ILSA was denied eligibility by the SSFC in a 6-4 vote. Many committee members felt that the ILSA was not representing a significant portion of the UW-Madison student population. Another concern raised by SSFC members was that the ILSA is operating and asking for funding without updated bylaws.
""I think the most responsible thing to do is to deny funding until the appropriate documents are in place,"" Mark Baumgardner, a UW-Madison senior and SSFC member, said.
The SLNA, which works to generate awareness of and lobby for student tenant rights, was also denied eligibility. Committee members were concerned with SLNA's accessibility to members of the UW-Madison campus community, because they target a specific campus demographic, and its ability to provide a substantial service to UW-Madison students with organizations such as the Tenant Resource Center already in place.
""Just because they are open to all students does not mean they are accessible to all students, or able to serve all students. The objectives of the organization are clearly covered by other organizations on campus,"" Tom Clark, a UW-Madison senior and SSFC member, said.
SSFC will begin funding hearings Sept. 30.