Have you received your flu shot yet? Did you know that pharmacists in Wisconsin can administer the vaccine? The Wisconsin Society of Pharmacy Students at UW-Madison annually participates in the Operation Immunization Campaign, which aims to increase the public's knowledge of immunizations and raise the number of adults and children receiving immunizations.
For part of National Pharmacy Week WSPS is promoting flu vaccinations as a way to stay healthy and keep others around you healthy. The best time to get the vaccine is now, so your body has time to build up immunity before the flu season begins.
People around those at high risk should obtain flu shots immediately to avoid exposure. The Center for Disease Control estimates that 30,000 older Americans die from influenza and pneumonia each year. About 80 percent of those deaths could be prevented by immunizations. As future pharmacists we urge everyone to receive a flu shot.
For more information on where and when to get flu shots contact your health department or pharmacy. For more information on immunizations check the CDC Web site at http://www.cdc.gov or your pharmacist or doctor with any questions.