In response to the Halloween riots on State Street, a new student organization formed this week to represent students who do not condone the riots. The organization, Response to the State Street Riots, focuses on obtaining signatures from students and community members for a letter that the organization will distribute to State Street businesses.
The letter expresses disappointment and regret for the physical damage to the businesses and the lack of trust that some community members now have for students.
UW-Madison junior Louis Mercer, created the organization after his political science class discussed the riots on State Street.
Political Science 401, Citizenship, Community and Difference, discusses issues that affect the community.
\We were talking about it in [Political Science] 401, and everyone was upset and sad that it happened,"" Mercer said. ""So I came up with the idea to write this letter to the State Street businesses and it sort of snowballed from there.""
Mercer said he hopes distributing the letter will let the businesses know that not all students are apathetic about the situation.
He said he will also contact other student organizations about signing the letter.
""In itself, the letter will raise the confidence level and make the State Street community realize that the students really do care about State Street,"" Mercer said. ""I think that's the most important.""
The organization will distribute the letter to stores damaged during the riots and locally owned businesses.
Mercer said he will then try to bring the letter to the next Greater State Street Business Association meeting, where State Street business owners meet once a month to discuss parking concerns, bus lines and safety issues among other things.
UW-Madison sophomore Jevechius Bernardoni signed the letter at a table the student organization set up in Memorial Union Thursday.
""I was actually pretty disappointed with what happened,"" Bernardoni said. ""It wasn't a thing that looks positively on the student body.""
UW-Madison junior Bryan Gadow, one of Mercer's fellow Political Science 401 classmates, said that the group does not condemn the celebration of Halloween on campus, but believes it is important to inform students about the consequences of these types of events.
""We just think students need to be aware of how they celebrate [Halloween] because a lot of people were and can be affected by it,"" he said.
Response to the State Street Riots will set up another table in the Memorial Union lobby Friday from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.