Abill posted on a lamppost outside the Underground Bookstore reads: \Panhandling prohibited in sidewalk area."" I guess no one got the memo.
How many times have you gone downtown only to have your mood thrown off by a shakedown or some other obviously false plea for monetary assistance? Never? Once a month? Every day?
The latter is certainly true for most UW-Madison students, especially those like me who rely on State Street not only for the basic essentials but also the distinct atmosphere of what could very well be the finest example of a college-town downtown.
Panhandlers do not improve my life in any appreciable manner. I feel neither self-affirmation nor pride in my community after giving change to the same group, day after day, semester after semester. I know my money isn't helping anyone help themselves.
My personal conflict in the matter of panhandling is characterized by two strong, convictional forces pulling me in opposing directions as if in some sick tug-of-war competition, in which my mind, my heart, and my wallet are at stake.
One conviction-perhaps ultimately the stronger of the two-urges me to do whatever I can to help those less fortunate than myself. I recognize that the opportunities, experiences and overall good fortune afforded to me over the majority of my 21 years are infinitely more valuable than the change remaining in my pocket following the purchase of a delicious Caf?? Mocha at Starbucks.
The opposing conviction simply is that giving to the needy is a virtuous, respectful duty. However, the conditional word is ""needy""-those who are unable to help themselves.
""Panhandlers""-those who actively choose to make a living by begging-do not fit the definition of ""needy"" in the same sense that is someone who is A) homeless B) significantly disabled, either mentally or physically C) the victim of some past or current transgression (alcohol/drug addiction) which prevents them from securing either a real job or some form of monetary stability. Drifters, grifters, drug dealers and the habitually lazy do not count, period.
I cannot believe that Madison's panhandling epidemic bothers me alone. I have seen shoppers cross the street solely to avoid another unnecessary, intimidating confrontation over loose change. I have witnessed even the most ""liberal"" students stare icily ahead to dodge the sight and sound of a plastic cup jingling with pennies. I have watched as young children wonder why their parents don't stop to acknowledge the man just inches to their side as he begs for a quarter.
Why do we allow panhandling to plague our town? Why do we-as students, teachers, administrators, customers, employees and store owners-allow ourselves to be burdened by panhandling yet do nothing to both ensure its eradication and assist those mired within its system?
Madisonians pride themselves as being citizens of the ""most progressive city in the country."" As long as panhandling is tolerated, legalized and ignored, the former designation is nothing but a boastful misnomer.
A truly progressive community would recognize the problem and use both social and legal channels to put an end to panhandling for good-simply paying lip service to this actually relevant, local issue is simply politics as usual around here.
The help panhandlers need is not rattling around in anyone's pockets, nor will it be found in empty resolutions and vacant initiatives. Solving the panhandling dilemma is Madison's ""Dare to be Great"" opportunity-let's prove that we can succeed.