The Associated Press reported Tuesday that the cost of the election, not including the costs of the local elections, came to approximately $4 billion.
That's a lot of money.
You could win the Powerball lottery at the current payout more than 2,700 times and still not have as much as we spent. We spent more money than the budget of some nations on this election.
Special interest groups spent millions on advertisements, pollsters needed to be paid for, focus groups needed to be filled.
Sure, democracy is pretty important, but Americans have learned to prioritize.
It's high time we asked ourselves \What has democracy done for us lately?"" It's time we answer ""What are we giving up by keeping the vote?""
In America, we have freedom, but we could have so much more. Like free movie tickets or concerts.
Election turnouts in America are substantially lower than our population. Bush? Kerry? It's time to vote ""Lots-of-David-Bowie.""
What else could we have done with $4 billion?