The Wisconsin Women Equal Prosperity Project discussed gender inequalities within the university on Thursday at the Pyle Center.
Louise Root-Robbins, co-director of the UW System Sloan Project for Academic Career Advancement and coordinator of the UW System Status of Women Initiative led the panel.
\Over the last 30 years we have seen an increase in every area of study,"" said Root-Robbins about women's academic pursuits. She noted science specifically is a field not adjusted to the increasing number of female scientists.
""There has just started to be dialogue about women in physics,"" said Olivia Castellini, a post-doctorate at UW-Madison for engineering physics.
""More women are majoring in science,"" said Root-Robbins. ""But less than 20 percent of the faculty for science in universities are women.""
Root-Robbins also stressed the value of flexibility for working women.
""A woman of 35 with small children may need something different with her career plan than at age 45. People should be able to enter, exit and re-enter at different points on our career paths,"" said Root-Robbins.
Women like Greta Zenner, who works within the UW-Madison Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, show the career uncertainty women experience.
""I am part of an academic staff and I am also married and expecting a child,"" said Zenner. ""What family and environment does to life is important.""
After identifying the problems facing women in academia, Root-Robbins pushed turning talking into actions.
She stressed the power of leaders, as well as the need for using Title IX, which ensures equal funding for women's sports, to womens' advantage.
""Title IX is our best friend and we have not done enough to exploit it,"" said Root-Robbins.
Wisconsin Women Equal Prosperity Project aims to create a better work life within the UW system, not just for women, project members said.
""People perceive us as women wanting to do better for ourselves,"" said Root-Robbins. ""But it is really about the whole institution. It's about excellence.""