Q: Is there anything I can eat or drink to prevent or cure a hangover?
A: Although there are many suggested hangover remedies, few provide evidence of success. A common assumption is that consuming more alcohol will cure a hangover—however, this will only delay the inevitable. Coffee is also considered a treatment. While the caffeine may alleviate a headache, it is also a diuretic, meaning you will expel more liquid than you consume, leaving you dehydrated with a more severe hangover.
Dehydration from alcohol consumption is what causes the headaches experienced with most hangovers. Beside drinking in moderation, the best method for preventing or curing a hangover is to remain hydrated by drinking a lot of water before bed and again in the morning. It is also a good idea to replace lost electrolytes with sports drinks or fruit.
Eating before you begin drinking will also slow the rate the alcohol is absorbed, while pain relievers like aspirin and acetaminophen will lessen hangover symptoms.
Although these methods may speed recovery or lessen the severity of a hangover, time is required for the body to get rid of leftover toxins to completely cure a hangover.