Welcome to Facebook
Sign Up
It's free and anyone can join.
Fill in the blank
Full name:
All possible anagrams formed from your first name, middle name, last name, combination of the three, and the full name of your second cousin twice removed:
Person you lost your virginity to:
If you answered N/A, person you'd like to lose your virginity to (must be Facebook user):
Social Security number:
All major credit card numbers, expiration dates, and security codes:
Gift you will use your credit card to buy Facebook Webmaster (No ShamWows, please):
Monetary value (must be above $150):
Three adjectives that describe yourself and don't contain the letter ""e"":
Date, time, location of your last orgasm:
Other parties present:
Was this your best orgasm? Y/N
If you chose N, please print the names of the other parties present, just one more time, for shits and giggles:
I will join the group ""Holy Shit!! Lost my phone!!! Need your digits peoplezzz!!"" or one of related content T/F
I will put people over 40 on limited profile T/F
Over 60? T/F
Seriously? Do you have no shame? T/F
Multiple Choice
I will sign onto Facebook:
a. 2-3 times daily
b. to make sure my boyfriend/girlfriend hasn't written on her ex's wall today
c. to spread rumors about people I don't like
d. to make sure the world knows when I shower, do laundry, go to class, eat meals and perform cannibalistic rituals
My profile picture will:
a. be of my best side
b. show off my uncanny ability to eat pizza while shit-faced
c. be of my best friend who is much hotter than I am
d. solicit sex for monetary incentives
I will start an event:
a. to promote my dejected dresser rescue league
b. to prove how many friends I have
c. to post provocative pictures of myself/my guinea pig
d. to look like I have something to do on the weekends
My Facebook relationships will:
a. be completely homosexual—I'm straight
b. be completely heterosexual—I'm gay
c. be with guinea pigs
d. be with people I met in Second Life
Send your registration forms to Kiera at wiatrak@wisc.edu, or look for Ashley's response tomorrow.