Mayor Dave Cieslewicz announced his intention to appoint Mark Woulf as an Alcohol License Review Committee voting member Monday.
Woulf, who currently holds a non-voting position on the board as a technical advisor, is also a UW-Madison student.
Woulf's nomination follows in the wake of a proposal by Ald. Bryon Eagon, District 8, to add a permanent student seat to the ALRC.
""[Woulf's] experiences on the ALRC over the last few months in addition to him being a young person here in Madison brings a unique voice and vote to the ALRC,"" Eagon said.
As a compromise, Cieslewicz agreed to appoint a student to a newly created citizen seat.
""When UW students show an interest in civic issues, that interest should be encouraged,"" Cieslewicz said in a statement. ""I hope this will spur increased student interest in other important civic issues.""
Woulf echoed that sentiment.
""This opens the door for future involvement,"" he said.
Woulf added that he anticipates the transition to be a smooth one because of his previous experience with the ALRC.
The appointment will be considered at the Common Council meeting on Dec. 8 and voted on Jan. 5.
According to the statement, Cieslewicz intends to work with the Associated Students of Madison to appoint a new student to the technical advisor position.