The Urban Design Commission met Wednesday night to discuss proposals for the Target retailer on Midvale Boulevard and renovations to Edgewater Hotel.
The Edgewater Hotel proposal has been redeveloped to reduce the height of the 1940's structure by three stories and lighten the tone, as well as add lighting to the top of the tower.
There is also a ""365-day outdoor space"" proposed, which would accommodate private events like weddings and provide a public ice skating rink in the winter.
Hammes Co. President Robert Dunn said the public space needs to be improved significantly because the community does not currently use it.
""It is as uninviting a public space as I can imagine,"" he said. ""No one has ever gone down there for the enjoyment of the space.""
Community member John Martens said the public space would become too private.
""This is not a public space. We expect more … it needs to feel more like a park than a hotel plaza,"" he said.
Gene Devitt, who lives near the Edgewater Hotel, also expressed his disapproval of private events in an area he called a ""residential, quiet zone.""
Additionally, the commission moved to postpone initial approval of design plans for a new Target near Hilldale Mall due to traffic concerns.
Commission members believe traffic moving west on University Avenue will have trouble making a left turn into the shopping center.
Jaci Bell, a development manager for Target, revealed design plans for the store. The building will have a parking area on the ground level while the store will be located on the first floor, therefore using less space than typical Target stores. She said the parking area accommodates 350 vehicles.
Ald. Chris Schmidt, Dist. 11, urged commission members to consider issues important to residents in the area: pedestrian traffic and sustainability.