The Madison Police Department arrested several individuals for possession of heroin Thursday evening, according to MPD South Police District Cpt. Joe Balles.
David Thomas, 42; Randall Bush, 52; Ronald Thomas, 57; Dana Atkins, 39; and Hillard Harris, 57; have been involved in the sale and distribution of heroin, or were in possession of heroin over the past few weeks, according to police.
According to the police report, officers from the South District Community Policing Team, along with the Bayview-Braxton Neighborhood Officer, have been investigating complaints of drug dealing in and around the CDA properties in the area over the past several weeks.
The ""covert drug operation"" ended when the five individuals, all with criminal histories, were arrested Thursday. Officers plan to continue working with CDA housing in evicting tenants who have been charged with distribution of heroin.
An investigation is ongoing, and additional arrests are possible, according to the MPD.