UW-Madison Union staff and students handed out plastic replica hard hats and magnets on Bascom Hill Thursday to remind students to ""Save the Date"" April 15, 2011—when the new south campus union building officially opens.
Approximately 75 students gathered at the ""Save the Date"" event to watch the Varsity Pep Band and spirit squad perform and sing the Alma mater. Bucky Badger was also available to pose with students for photos.
In addition to the free items and performances, students were invited to sign up for ""behind the scenes"" tours of the new building this summer.
Shayna Hetzel, Wisconsin Union Directorate member, said the event was a creative way to draw attention to the construction of the new union.
""This was a fun event to raise awareness that the building is coming,"" Hetzel said.
Construction of the south campus union started January 2009. The concrete pour finished April 5, 2010, and structural steel is currently being completed.
The highest beam in the union will be raised June 11 in a ceremony called ""topping off.""
The construction of walls and windows will then commence.
Associated Students of Madison election results revealed Wednesday that students voted to name the new union ""Union South."" Union South received 6427 more votes than the second place name, ""Randall Union.""
The name was given to the Union Council to discuss, but UW-Madison Chancellor Biddy Martin will make the final decision.
The new south campus union will include new student facilities such as eight bowling lanes, climbing and bouldering walls and a wine bar.
The new union will be 276, 664 total square feet, and in total, is a $94.8 million project. [The Wisconsin Union does not receive tax or tuition money, but is paid for by donor support, Union revenue and student fees.]