Although fall 2009 enrollments were at an all-time high for the UW System, the number of students of color enrolled has not kept up pace, according to the UW System's annual accountability report released Monday.
The report details the status of the UW System's strategies and goals, including plans to increase undergraduate and minority enrollment and the expansion of science-related programs.
UW System spokesperson David Giroux said the university has been working hard to make space in classrooms.
""We've long had a goal of increasing access to higher education. Even while we're dealing with some very challenging budget cuts, we are not only keeping the door to college wide open, but we're also graduating students in record numbers,"" Giroux said.
The university also wants to increase the number of minority students in the system, according to the report.
Although the actual number of minority students enrolled has increased, it has not kept up proportionately with the number of white students enrolled, Giroux said.
""We have an interest as a state to make sure [minority] students come to college in larger numbers, because they represent the fastest-growing segments of our population,"" Giroux said. ""There is no way we are going to achieve our goals as a university to strengthen the state's economy, to create more college graduates, if we are not tapping into the fastest-growing population in our state.""
The report also acknowledged an increase in graduates of the science, technology, engineering and math fields, as well as in health-related fields.
According to Giroux, the increases, though not dramatic, show steady progress toward the university's goal of preparing students for success in the Wisconsin workforce.
""We believe that this is an area where new, high-wage jobs will be created, and these are the kinds of degrees that Wisconsin businesses are wanting,"" Giroux said.
The UW System Board of Regents will discuss the report findings at their meeting Thursday in Madison.