Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott Walker released his financial plan Thursday to address how to bring jobs to Wisconsin and improve the local economy.
Walker said his goal is to create 250,000 new jobs and 10,000 new businesses in the private sector by the year 2015.
The plan is broken into six steps focusing on government regulation and education. Further steps address healthcare, infrastructure and what Walker describes as ""frivolous lawsuits.""
Lowering income taxes, reducing taxes on employers, freezing property taxes and abolishing retirement income taxes would be the focus of Walker's tax cuts.
""States that have a lower tax burden have more jobs and better budgets, and it's time Wisconsin was a better state to do business,"" Walker said.
To strengthen the educational system, Walker said schools should be given more tools to prepare students for graduation.
Walker said UW System schools should be given resources to ""operate more like a business to pursue economic development.""
Employers should be able to provide affordable healthcare without government intervention, Walker said in a statement. He said he would establish larger healthcare purchasing pools to decrease the risk for employers.
Walker's transportation step did not mention high speed rail, a key project supported by many Wisconsin Democrats. Walker has opposed high speed rail and said he would attempt to reallocate the funds.
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tom Barrett will face Walker in November's election.
The Barrett campaign said Walker's plan does not give enough details and is not specific enough within those six points, as compared to Barrett's 67-page economic plan.