Gov. Jim Doyle approved funding Tuesday for a ""Transportation to Jobs"" program, which aims to help low-income workers get to their jobs.
The program provides grants to expand public transportation and groups that provide shuttle services, using funding from state, local and federal sources, according to a statement from the Governor's office.
""Access to safe, reliable transportation is critical for the working families of Wisconsin,"" Doyle said in the statement. ""Transportation is a proven investment that not only benefits workers but also strengthens our economy. Thank you to all the local communities and organizations for their work to provide essential transportation services.""
Dane County received $274,000 for the Young Women's Christian Association of Madison. The YWCA offers shuttle services, known as JobRide, for low-income workers to get to their jobs and assist their job search.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation, coordinating with the Department of Workforce Development, determines which services and groups receive grants. The department integrates funds from federal, state and local levels into a single awards program.
Grants included funding for programs such as taxi vouchers, vehicle repair grants, vehicle purchase loans and transportation education and assistance.