The UW-Madison Faculty Senate discussed a new proposal to review the productivity of various campus services Monday.
The proposal, recommended by the University Committee, requests an evaluation of the campus by an external consultant.
The consultant would observe how the university is structured and would suggest different structures to make it more efficient.
The proposed evaluation aims to identify ways to improve services that support research and teaching methods on campus.
The Lectures Committee also reviewed 65 guest lectures that were given on campus in 2009-'10. The total annual expenditures for the lectures were approximately $61,000.
Various funds support these university-wide lectures.
The Lectures Committee discussed the William K. Fitch Fund, which has a balance of $171,000, but has not been used to fund guest lectures due to special restrictions on the fund.
""This fund specifically has stated that the money is to be used for prominent business people to give lectures on the American free-enterprise system,"" Professor Sandra Ward said. ""We have rarely had a request for a lecture that fit that bill.""
The fund board has been asked to change the criteria for using the fund in order to provide more lectures that fit the description of the fund.
The fund board rejected the motion. ""[The fund is] worded just they way they want it,"" Ward said.
—Molly Reppen