In Madison, Ann Althouse is known primarily as a constitutional law professor who has taught at the UW Law School for 26 years. Outside Madison's city limits, however, Althouse is largely known as the smugly inscrutable blogger with a platinum bob.
She founded Althouse, her eponymous and nationally popular blog, in 2004. Today, the blog garners an average of 500,000 readers each month. On her blog, she opines on everything from constitutional law to her repulsion for men who wear shorts. Last year she married a regular commenter on her blog after four years of Internet courtship.
Althouse is regularly featured on, which pairs up bloggers for debate, and has written for The New York Times along with prominent law journals. Rush Limbaugh even blamed her for the ""chickification"" of society on his radio show.
Although she supported President George Bush and the War on Terror in 2004, she voted for President Barack Obama in 2008. She is still a moderate conservative in Madison, which is to say she is still a stranger in a strange land.
—Emma Roller