Madison Police arrested 31-year-old George Hindman of Maryland for allegedly driving drunk after falling asleep at the wheel early Friday.
The suspect was stopped at the intersection of East Washington Avenue and Mendota Street, according to a police incident report.
A driver stopped behind Hindman peered into the suspect's car window.
The driver told the officer on scene he thought the suspect was dead, Madison Police Department spokesperson Joel DeSpain said.
""The officer exited his squad and determined the man was not dead, but asleep,"" DeSpain said in a statement.
The suspect's car was in drive with the suspect's foot on the brake.
The officer started tapping on the car's windows in an attempt to wake up the driver. When the driver finally woke up, the officer asked the suspect where he was coming from. The man said he did not know, police said.
According to DeSpain, the suspect attempted to pronounce ""Oconomowoc"" after the officer asked the suspect if he knew where he was.
The driver told the officer he was in Wisconsin to attend a week-long training school, but he did not know why he had come to Madison, DeSpain said.