Residents of the State-Langdon Neighborhood Association debated the potential height of the proposed remodeling of the St. Paul Catholic Student Center and Residential College Thursday.
Representing the project, attorney Ron Trachtenberg said the proposed height of the center would be fourteen stories and roughly 163 feet tall. In comparison, the Memorial Library across the street is about 145 feet tall.
Father Eric Nielsen, St. Paul's director, said the height is necessary in order for the center to function the way the center intends it to and would keep costs down for the residents living in the halls.
Ald. Bryon Eagon, District 8, whose district includes the Catholic Center, said the developers need to find a balance between the developer's interests and the potential view of the building.
The $45 million project would be a redevelopment of the current center at 723 State St. The proposed 10,000 square-foot space would serve as a spot for social gatherings and would include a residence hall for up to 200 people and a chapel.