Following up on his promise to cut wasteful spending, Gov. Scott Walker issued an executive order Friday requiring Cabinet secretaries to meet with state workers to identify instances of fraud, waste and abuse.
""Those on the frontlines of state government have a wealth of information and ideas on how to make government better and more efficient,"" Walker said in a statement. ""I look forward to joining many of the discussions our Cabinet Secretaries will hold.""
Walker has repeatedly endorsed cutting statewide taxes, and said in the order government spending must be reigned in to make tax cuts financially possible.
The governor will also be seeking input from workers from the private sector through the website for the Commission on Waste, Fraud and Abuse, which was launched Friday.
The website has a comment section where people can identify instances of wasteful spending or give suggestions on how to deal with the problem.
""Making government leaner and more efficient is challenging work that will require innovative thinking and new ideas,"" Walker said in a statement. ""Many of the best ideas come from the private sector, so we are asking the public to send in their suggestions to make our government better.""
—Ariel Shapiro