A 49-year-old Madison man was arrested after allegedly driving drunk and hitting a parked car near Memorial Union Monday.
Madison Police arrested the suspect, Jeffrey Johnson, on tentative charges, including a fourth offense of operating a vehicle under the influence.
A 21-year-old Madison man was driving behind the suspect, who was driving his Cadillac at about five mph, according to a police report.
The witness told police he watched the Cadillac veer to the right and strike a parked car.
The witness then got out of his vehicle, walked up to the suspect's driver's side window and told him he should put the car in park, according to Madison Police Department spokesperson Joel DeSpain. The witness told police he thought the driver was intoxicated.
""The man behind the wheel just stared at the concerned citizen and continued to drive east toward Lake Street,"" DeSpain said in a statement.
The witness followed the suspect in his car and approached the suspect when he stopped at the corner of Lake Street and East Johnson Street.
The suspect took his keys out of the ignition after the witness ordered him to do so, police said.
Police then arrived at scene and arrested the suspect.