Madison Police believe they may have solved a series of thefts among other crimes with the arrest of a 33-year-old Mount Horeb man.
The suspect, Daniel Starnes, was arrested for a probation violation Feb. 1 and since investigators have tied him to seven separate crimes, including several purse snatchings, according to a police report.
""It is believed Mr. Starnes committed thefts and burglaries to support a drug habit that included crack cocaine and heroin use,"" Madison Police Department Spokesperson Joel DeSpain said in a statement.
Starnes is also a suspect in a Jan. 16 purse snatching that occurred at 3801 E. Washington Ave., police said. DeSpain said Starnes is also a suspect in a November theft from auto case and in a January residential burglary and business burglary.
A 25-year-old woman is believed to have accompanied Starnes during some of the crimes and she may face criminal charges, DeSpain said.