Gov. Scott Walker and 20 other governors across the country sent a letter to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, airing their grievances with Obama's health-care reform.
""We wish states had been given more opportunity to provide input when the PPACA was being drafted,"" the letter said. ""We believe in its current form the law will force our healthcare system down a path sure to lead to higher costs and the disruption or discontinuation of millions of Americans' insurance plans.""
The governors suggested changes to the current bill that would allow states more flexibility.
Among the governors' requests were giving states more freedom with the healthcare exchanges, allowing them greater choice over which insurers can participate and the elimination of certain mandates determining benefit rules.
The governors threatened to take matters into their own hands if the HHS does not comply.
""While we hope for your endorsement, if you do not agree, we will move forward with our own efforts regardless and HHS should begin making plans to run exchanges under its own auspices,"" the letter said.