The Associated Students of Madison unanimously passed legislation endorsing a change to the UW-Madison attendance policy Wednesday, which would forbid professors from reprimanding students who were absent due to illness and other personal reasons.
As it stands, departments are allowed to determine their own attendance policy.
According to University Affairs Chair Carl Fergus, who proposed this legislation, this leads to attendance requirements that are often vague and harsh.
Under the new policy, students would not be reprimanded for missing class due to ""illness of the student or his or her dependent, participation in intercollegiate athletic events pursuant to the UW-Athletic Board's Student-Athlete Missed Class Days policy, subpoenas, jury duty, military service, reasonable maternity/paternity leaves, and religious observances.""
The legislation states that it would be the student's responsibility to notify his/her professors about absences due to these circumstances and make up missed work.
""I think this is really important for campus to have a unified class attendance policy, and I think it is important for ASM to work towards that goal,"" Fergus said.
With the passing of this legislation, ASM will seek support from other student organizations, professors, and faculty to implement it.