Three men attacked a 21-year-old Madison man on the 300 block of North Henry Street early Saturday morning, according to police.
The victim told police he was punched several times. He was not seriously injured in the assault, Madison Police Department spokesperson Joel DeSpain said.
""Prior to the battery, he indicated his attackers made derogatory comments to him while he was dancing inside a bar,"" DeSpain said in a statement.
Police said they believe the first suspect has blonde hair, is 19 to 22 years old, around 5'10'' and 145 to 155 pounds.
Another suspect is said to be a 19-year-old with brown hair, around 5'7'' and weighs between 130 to 140 pounds, police said.
The third suspect is said to be Caucasian and 19 to 22 years old, police said.