Student Services Finance Committee members convened briefly Thursday to discuss Wednesday's Associated Students of Madison meeting and make plans to reconsider the so-called ""Manes Amendments.""
The SSFC took little official action Thursday, spending most of their time rehashing the previous night's ASM meeting, during which the controversial Campus Services Fund passed minutes before the student council meeting ended.
Although council members initially voted down the CSF, which would guarantee funding streams for certain student services, Rep. Matt Beemsterboer motioned to reconsider the vote just before closing role was called around midnight.
Rep. Tom Templeton held the Student Activity Center doors open long enough for the council to revote and pass the CSF. This is because open meetings law requires ASM to vote while the SAC—which closes at midnight—is open.
Representatives also discussed the ""Manes Amendments,"" a series of proposals developed by the SSFC to change the eligibility requirements for groups to receive funding from the SSFC.
However, SSFC Chair Matt Manes opposed almost all of the proposed amendments during the ASM meeting Wednesday.
Rep. Cale Plamann said Manes' objections ""blind-sided"" SSFC members.
""I would have thought if [Manes] had problems with [the eligibility changes] he could have discussed them with this body and we could have addressed these concerns,"" Plamann said.
Rep. Sarah Neibart motioned to reconsider the SSFC's endorsement of the amendments, given their unexpected changes.
Manes himself was absent from Monday's meeting, ""taking a couple of days to reevaluate his position"" as SSFC's leader, according to Neibart.
The group will reconsider support for the Manes Amendments at their next meeting Monday.