UW-Madison students who violate university alcohol policies will soon be required to attend an alcohol awareness seminar for which they will pay $178-200.
The university implemented program known as Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention of College Students, or BASICS, is intended to help educate students about safe alcohol consumption.
""[BASICS] is really an effort to educate and intervene at a time when hopefully it isn't too dangerous, but we can prevent future incidents from happening,"" Dean of Students Lori Berquam said.
Students will most likely be required to attend one of two BASICS sessions depending on the severity of their violation and whether it is a first time offense.
Severe violators or multiple offenders may be required to attend two one-on-one sessions with a professional substance-abuse counselor. More minor violators, such as recipients of an underage drinking citation, may be required to attend two 90-minute group sessions with eight to 12 other students.
According to UHS Prevention Services and Campus Health Initiatives Director Tom Sieger, any violation from an underage drinking citation to a disorderly conduct citation will likely warrant attending BASICS.
BASICS already exists on other campuses, including the University of Michigan and Penn State.
Aviva Marchilne, a junior at the University of Michigan, said she was surprised at how effective the program was.
""It made me be more present, when I was drinking,"" said Marchiline. ""There were little handouts that give [information about] blood alcohol level.""
While students at UW-Madison will be required to pay for BASICS, Marchiline said she really appreciated the free cost of the program at UM.
""You're already in so much trouble, it's just a relief to know you don't have to pay for this,"" said Marchiline.
The Chancellor's Alcohol Group, comprised of representatives from ASM, university housing, Dean of Students office, UHS and the University Police Department, recently approved new guidelines meant to protect students from receiving an underage drinking citation if they are assisting a peer under the influence of alcohol who may be in danger.
""Students really wanted to see [these guidelines] in writing,"" said Executive Director of UHS Sarah Van Orman. ""That when students do the right thing in [alcohol related] circumstances, they're not going to be subject to ticketing.""
Berquam said the ASM-sponsored initiative, sometimes referred to as the ""good Samaritan clause,"" will not protect students in every circumstance, such as if they are directly responsible for inebriating their friend.
The UW-Madison BASICS program begins this fall.