Yoko Ono:
Isn't a construction a beginning of a thing like a seed? Isn't it a segment of a larger totality, like an elephants tail?
Sept. 17
Gary Busey:
Trying to get a baby to do what you want is like trying to get a woman to do what you want which is like trying to baptize a cat.
July 17
Pizza pepperoni is a powerful pizza, it will power you
right out of your mind....by The Pepperoni Prophet
Mar. 6
Peter Gammons:
.ladamad Anna v v V V V V v v v V V V V V V v nv In buns ee V Petty's Freefallin'...
Sept. 21
Somewhere over the rainbow ! Yrs later Liza & i r friends I told her story & she laughed & said "" Oh No Cher I didn't ! Ok sounds like me!
Sept. 25
Old people are adorable and don't understand technology, so submit some senile tweets to page2@dailycardinal.com.