The candidates:
24 freshmen running for 5 first-year representative seats -
4 students running for 1 Student Services Finance Committee (SSFC) seat
First Year Seat Candidates
1. Meagan Dexter
Improve communication between all parts of campus -
Improve online resources
2. Krystal Mccalvy
Increase financial aid for students -
Make ""going green"" a priority on campus
3. Colin Higgins
Make campus more sustainable -
Register more students to vote -
Lower tuition/increase financial aid
4. Ellie Eckman
Create more outreach programs -
Create more fundraisers
5. Karl Wichman
More universalized system of payment on campus -
Make it easier for underclassmen to get jobs on campus
6. Brendan Getches
Inform freshmen on public affairs issues
7. Sonya Sedegui
Making opportunities on campus more accessible for freshmen
8. Devon Maier
Improve ASM's outreach to the student body
9. Benjamin Agatston
Better learn what students want and need
10. Reuben Sanon
Inform students of student council's role -
Help students voice their opinions
11. Maria Giannopoulos
Improve student knowledge on legislative issues -
Make college more affordable
12. Natalie Hinahara
Advocate for environmental issues -
Increase financial aid/lower tuition
13. Houa Vang
Increase financial aid/lower tuition -
Address diversity concerns on campus
14. Joshua Adams
Increase financial aid/lower tuition
15. Emma Crisci
Bring needs of freshmen to ASM -
Work to get students a fall break
16. Alissa Endres
Close gap between freshmen and student government
17. Dougie Moss
Strengthen unity among freshmen students -
Promote school spirit
18. Kelly Morgan
Eliminate financial burdens put on student organizations
19. Michelle Gonzalez
Address diversity issues on campus
20. Brian Allen
Establish an annual food drive
21. Will Dehn
Make school more affordable
22. Abby Gadbois
Promote student involvement
23. Mia Akers
Increase financial aid/lower tuition -
Push for reciprocity for students from Illinois
24. Aidee Guzman
Protect diversity on campus -
Increase financial aid/lower tuition
SSFC representatives
1. Samuel Seering
Improving allocation system for segregated fees
2. Ronald Crandall II
Provide viewpoint neutral funding -
Fully service students
3. David Silberman
Improve anything necessary in terms of segregated fees
4. Richard Rolland
Lower segregated fees
College of Engineering
1. Richard Rolland
Allow SSFC to have more control over segregated fees -
Improve student council's outreach -
Increase shared governance
2. Jordan Shefchik
Address problems from dorms -
Give students a say in student council
Graduate School
1. Ziqi Dai
Lower graduate tuition -
Establish an emergency/interim fund for the university
The issues:
Candidates' campaigns focus on a variety of issues, including:
Improving communication between ASM and the student body -
Lowering tuition -
Increasing financial aid -
Prioritizing environmental sustainability
The referendums:
Included on the ballot are referendums for students to take a stance on Memorial Union renovations and to remove one justice position from the Student Judiciary.
Chief Justice Kathryn Fifield said it makes more sense to have seven justices rather than eight on the SJ because it would be easier for the body to reach voted-upon decisions without ties.
No opposition was voiced to the change.
Memorial Union President Katie Fischer spoke against the Union renovation referendum, saying renovation plans have not been finalized and the referendum was ""premature"" and the Union council is working to receive more student input.
""We hear you. The union hears you,"" Fischer said. ""We're working towards campus discussion.""
But ASM Rep. Dan Posca said students deserve the opportunity to take a stance on the project.
""I can't turn down the request of my constituents to have a say in this,"" Posca said.
While the outcome of the referendum vote will not determine the outcome of the project, it will be advisory for the Union Council.