Ben Stein has gone completely insane. His new documentary, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed,"" is the worst kind of polemic - a film that takes special delight in obscuring the truth and confusing the issue. While we were too busy ignoring him, Stein became an impassioned voice for the Intelligent Design movement. ID theory, of course, claims that a higher intelligence - not natural selection - is responsible for the formation of complex cellular structures.
In the film, Stein focuses on dozens of scientists who reject Darwinism, claiming to have been ""expelled"" from the scientific community for advocating ID. These ID promoters are careful to avoid association with religion, and Stein, likewise, avoids embracing religious fundamentalists. This raises an obvious question: Who else is he expecting to publicize this film?
If Stein were only being mischievous and controversial that would be one thing. Bad polemics are the lifeblood of trendy American political circles - see ""Fahrenheit 9/11