The Student Judiciary upheld its decision to remove two student leaders from their seats Monday.
The SJ removed former Associated Students of Madison Vice Chair Beth Huang and Nominations Board Chair Nico Magallon in September after it ruled the leaders failed to turn in required service hours on time.
SJ Chief Justice Kate Fifield said the body upheld its original decision to remove the leaders because Huang and Magallon would not have submitted their service hours had they not been reminded on the Sept. 15 deadline.
Since they ""forgot,"" the SJ ruled the hours they submitted were not completed with the requirement in mind and were thus invalid.
But Huang said they chose to submit hours spent working at the ASM Textbook Swap and Recruitment Drive because the original offense for which the service hours were required, canvassing for the spring elections in the dorms, was against the student body.
She said although they did not consider working for ASM to be punishment for the offense, she thought it was most appropriate for the service hours they completed to be for the benefit of the student body.
""Although I would never feel punished to volunteer in the ASM textbook swap or recruitment drive, I think that it's been a process that has been thoroughly punitive,"" Huang said.
Fifield said Huang and Magallon cannot appeal the SJ's ruling.
The ASM Nominations Board is scheduled to fill the vacant seats within two weeks. Huang said she plans to apply for the vice chair position through the board and is confident she will be reinstated.
""I think that I served ASM in a very full capacity in the past year and a half and I think Noms Board will recognize that,"" Huang said.
ASM is currently soliciting students to fill the now-vacant positions.