We are a little bit worried about this recall, and we are not alone. All you hear across this campus and across this city is that maybe organizers will get enough signatures to initiate a recall election, but there is nobody who can take down Scott Walker. For all of his critics, Walker also has loyal fans with very deep pockets, and that is a major factor in a race where campaign finance regulations are thrown out the window. He may not be well liked, but Walker certainly is feared. Unfortunately, that fear may be powerful enough to derail this whole effort.
The Democratic Party and groups like United Wisconsin are banking on the fact that there is enough lingering resentment toward Walker to get the necessary amount of signatures and somebody will eventually step up once the petitions are approved. Their campaigns focus solely on how terrible Walker is, but never offer an alternative candidate or even alternative solutions. This campaign is running on one thing and one thing only: anger.
But anger is not enough. Voters need somebody to get behind, someone they can follow into this recall battle. Wisconsin does not just need a different governor, but a great one. We need a leader who is able to drag this state out of its economic rut rather than just clean up Walker’s mess. Most of all, Wisconsin needs a governor who will not simply seek retribution on Walker and the rest of the GOP, but work to heal the divide the current administration has created in this state.
There have been rumors as to who might run, and the options seem pretty weak. People talk about the possibility of former Congressman Dave Obey or soon-to-be-retired U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Wis. While both have had illustrious careers spanning multiple decades in federal government, they are not the right candidates to energize Wisconsin voters in this uniquely emotional campaign. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett has been a rumored possibility, but his previous loss to Walker and his strained relations with public unions will do him no favors. The names of a few members of the Wisconsin 14 have been thrown out there, but their decision to flee the state during the Capitol protests may further polarize this situation. Former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk and President of Professional Fire Fighters of Wisconsin Mahlon Mitchell have announced their interest in running, but neither has the name recognition to compete with Walker’s fundraising.
Thus, we write to you, Russ. It may sound a little “Star Wars,” but you’re our only hope. You are the only person in this state with the veneration, political skill and record of bipartisanship necessary to take down Scott Walker. Your entry into this race is exactly what voters need to invigorate this cause and inspire people to action. It would create a momentum that even Walker and his Koch money would have a hard time stopping.
We acknowledge that you have publically declined to run in order to enjoy the civilian life for once. We also understand if you may be a little gun shy after 2010 (but really, you can chock it up to straight-ticket voting and a bad year). However, without your presence in this race, the whole opposition may come apart and Walker will likely emerge victorious, again. All we ask is that you consider the possibility. After all, everyone loves a comeback.
The Daily Cardinal Editorial Board