A Milwaukee man said he had hot coffee thrown in his face at Saturday’s Capitol Square rally, according to a report from Madison Police.
According to Madison Police Department Spokesperson Joel DeSpain, whether the coffee was thrown or spilled is still in dispute but coffee did land on the man, 57.
“He said that after being hit with coffee, he grabbed the man—who had spilled or thrown it—and officers took the man away for questioning,” DeSpain said in a statement.
The man was part of a larger group making “loud comments about the officer doing his job while accusing [the officer] of ‘protecting the unions,’” according to police.
According to the report, the man was upset and mad but not injured.
Police said a number of witnesses told police someone had knocked the coffee out of the man’s hand and he did not intentionally throw the coffee.
DeSpain said the Milwaukee man questioned the reliability of witnesses who were “not with his group.”
According to the report, the man said those who claimed that the coffee “was spilled” favored the recall of Gov. Scott Walker, something he said he opposes.