Gov. Scott Walker has raised $4.5 million over the past five weeks to defend himself against a potential recall election, according to his latest campaign finance report. However, Democrats are critical of where that money is coming from.
According to Wisconsin Democracy Campaign executive director Mike McCabe, Walker raised over $12 million in the past year, the most by any candidate ever running for state office in Wisconsin, topping his own previous record. Walker raised nearly the same amount during his 2010 gubernatorial campaign, around $11 million, but over a four-year period.
Ordinarily, individuals cannot donate more than $10,000 to a campaign. However, since Walker is the target of a recall, the limit is currently lifted for him. Once a recall election is authorized, Walker will not unable to accept unlimited amounts of campaign contributions.
McCabe said every signature must be verified and ensuing legal challenges will need to be dealt with before an election is authorized, which could take up to three months, meaning Walker will likely raise more money in weeks to come.
"He's only just getting warmed up," he said.
Sixty one percent of the donations Walker received during the latest reporting period, Dec. 11 through Jan. 17, were from out of state, a figure McCabe called "unprecedented." McCabe said 10 percent of donations coming from outside of Wisconsin is usually considered a high number.
"We've never seen anything like that when it comes to reliance on outside money," McCabe said.
In response to the high number of out-of-state donations, executive director for the liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now Scot Ross accused Walker of "traveling across America selling out Wisconsin to the highest bidder" in a statement.
However, Walker campaign spokesperson Ciara Matthews emphasized the importance of grassroots donors to the campaign in a statement, pointing out about 75 percent of the donations were $50 or less.
"Gov. Walker's message of moving Wisconsin forward continues to resonate with voters," Matthews said. "It is this message, and the success of the governor's reforms, that have inspired people to contribute to his campaign in overwhelming numbers."
About half the money Walker raised came from just 33 of the over 21,000 donors. Four out-of-state donors each contributed $250,000 to the campaign, the highest individual contribution reported during this period.