The Student Services Finance Committee, which decides how much money to allocate to student groups, presented its own proposed budget for the coming fiscal year Monday.
In her review of the budget to SSFC members, SSFC Chair Sarah Neibart said although the dollar amount the committee is requesting is yet to be determined, the overall request will decrease from last year's.
Neibart said she is waiting to learn the staff's final salaries before projecting what the committee's finalized budget request will be.
As a check on SSFC's power to allocate money to itself, the budget must also be approved by Student Council once the committee passes it.
"There are guards against spending just like with any student group," Neibart said. "There has to be a reason to spend the money."
SSFC Vice Chair Chase Wilson said it would be virtually impossible for SSFC to request inappropriately large sums of money.
"Our salaries are based on a percentage of tuition," Wilson said. "So [SSFC] couldn't make those line items go any higher."
Among the budget's line items is a request for $4,000 to pay for Accountability Liaisons, a position that assists student groups in carrying out their services and events. Liaisons also ensure student groups are operating as they should be.
"If a student group is supposed to be providing ‘Direct Service X,' liaisons make sure that the money goes toward that," said Wilson.
Also included in the budget request was $3,000 for SSFC training, much of which goes toward an organized retreat for committee members. Members said money could be transferred to other parts of the budget if funding is not exhausted.
SSFC will vote on the proposed budget this Thursday.