Authors of recent controversial research to modify the H5N1 virus, known as the avian flu, decided to take a 60-day pause from their work Friday to explain its benefits in the midst of negative media attention.
Two research groups, including one led by UW-Madison researcher Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka, began the research to modify the H5N1 virus in a way that makes it transmissible through air within small mammal species. In doing so, researchers hoped they could gain insight on how humans contract the virus.
However, opposing groups argued that publishing the research, which would include exact details of the viral mutations, could provide bioterrorists with the instructions to create the virus that has killed 60 percent of those who contracted it.
While researchers said the work is important to further understand the virus and create vaccines, they say negative attention has overshadowed these benefits. This led to the researchers' recent decision to release a statement signed by the three leading authors and 36 co-authors outlining the 60-day hiatus.
"We recognize that we and the rest of the scientific community need to clearly explain the benefits of this important research and the measures taken to minimize its possible risks," the researchers said in the statement.
Although researchers said they took precautions to minimize any potential risk of the research's accidental release, they said 60 days will allow time to discuss the "best solutions for opportunities and challenges that stem from the work" with organizations and governments around the world.