Participants will brave the icy Lake Monona waters Saturday in the 13th annual Special Olympics Polar Plunge to raise money for local Special Olympic athletes.
Since the first Polar Plunge in Wisconsin, participants have raised over $12 million for the Special Olympics. As of Thursday, over $300,000 has been raised through online pledges and donations.
Special Olympics Wisconsin provides sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with disabilities.
Those who decide not to jump in the freezing water can register as a "chicken" and cheer from the sidelines.
The Polar Plunge takes place at Olin-Turville Park at 10 a.m. and continues to 3 p.m. Paid parking is available at the Alliant Energy Center and the Coliseum Bar with free shuttles from the parking lots to the plunging site. There is a also a free shuttle from Memorial Union.