Members of a student government committee said Monday they are hopeful the latest draft of a proposed city ordinance intended to hold landlords more accountable for parties deemed “nuisances” would only be used in extreme circumstances.
Madison Alcohol Policy Coordinator Mark Woulf told the Associated Students of Madison Legislative Affairs Committee the legislation broadens the definition of a “nuisance” so police can use discretion when determining what parties qualify.
But he said the proposal would also mandate a meeting between police, the landlord and tenant after police rule a party a nuisance.
Legislative Affairs Chair Hannah Somers said since police have to meet with the host of the party and the landlord after the party takes place, she is hopeful officials will refrain from deeming every party a “nuisance.”
“I think the best insurance we have is that the city is not going to want to spend all of their time meeting with people,” Somers said.
“That’s time, that’s money that they don’t have to invest. I’m comforted that it won’t be used out of line.”
Associated Students of Madison Rep. Maria Giannopolous said while the latest draft is a step in the right direction, the legislation could create a negative relationship between students and their landlords, and could make students feel uncomfortable.
“I think that it could be a little shaky as far as students as a whole not knowing what will come out of it,” Giannopolous said.