City officials approved the design of Block 100 Foundation’s proposal Wednesday allowing State Street reconstruction plans to move forward.
Both the Landmarks and Plan Commissions will review the proposal before it moves on to the Common Council for final approval.
Block 100 Foundation’s proposal to reconstruct State, West Mifflin and Fairchild streets includes demolishing or heavily renovating six buildings and constructing an open plaza facing the Overture Center.
The Urban Design Commission approved the design of Block 100 Foundation’s redevelopment proposal including an open garden area, modern office building and restaurant on the corner of Fairchild and Mifflin streets but did not endorse any demolition.
The open garden space and proposed modern glass office building at the corner of Mifflin and Fairchild streets would require demolishing the Schubert building, which is a registered landmark at 120 W. Mifflin St.
Project architect Eric Lawson said the commission’s acceptance of the design is an important “baby step” in the approval process because it allows the project team to modify its current plans based on recommendations from city commissions.
Recommendations from commission members included adjusting the size of the new building, making the garden available to the public and creating a greater retail presence on Fairchild Street in addition to the proposed restaurant.
While Lawson said the Block 100 Foundation is open to suggestions and willing to work with city commissions, developers Jerome Frautschi and Pleasant Rowland are unyielding on the presence of the Schubert building.
"The Schubert building does not fit into the vision of what we are proposing,” Lawson said. “The idea of having a unique space in the city can only be formed with the removal of the Schubert building.”
Ald. Marsha Rummel, District 6, said she would not support final action on the proposal if it included demolition plans of the Schubert building. She recommends Block 100 Foundation consider reusing the building.