Shared Governance Committee Chair Sam Seering announced the nominees for the two University of Wisconsin-Madison student positions on the Chancellor Search and Screen Commitee in a meeting Wednesday.
Cody Ostenson and Jason Chiang will be officially appointed by the end of the week when UW System President Kevin Reilly receives the nominations.
Seering told The Daily Cardinal he nominated the students for their experience and ability to represent a variety of students on campus.
“We felt like [Chiang] could bridge the divide between graduate student and professional student and really represent that important viewpoint,” Seering said. “[Ostenson] was a former ASM freshman representative on student council so we feel like he knows how to represent individuals.”
Seering said University of Wisconsin-Madison faculty, academic staff, UW System administrators and other constituency members will joined the students on the committee.
“I hope that the students will be respected on the committee and that their viewpoints and experiences will be taken into consideration when the decision is ultimately being made about who our next chancellor will be,” Seering said.