The Associated Students of Madison student government will hold its fall freshman elections this week from Oct. 15-17.
Thirty-one freshman students are currently running for the four open seats. More information on each candidate can be found online at the ASM website.
ASM Press Office Director David Gardner said this year ASM is putting additional emphasis on getting students involved in the organization as a whole.
“We want to encourage people to get involved in student council, but in a greater sense it’s really important to us that students are aware of the grassroots committees and the campaigns we’re running, especially because it’s such a critical year in terms of the Vote campaign and the Campus Safety campaign,” Gardner said.
Polls will open Monday, Oct. 15 at 8 a.m. and close Wednesday, Oct. 17 at 5 p.m.
Freshman and first-year students can cast their votes electronically on the ASM website at