The Associated Students of Madison Legislative Affairs Committee discussed a plan Monday to grant students under the influence of alcohol protection from being issued citations if seeking medical assistance from authorities.
The committee’s Responsible Action campaign aims to lobby for state legislation which would protect students under the age of 21 from receiving citations under certain circumstances.
The circumstances include students who witness a violent crime, call for help in an emergency or call in need of their own medical assistance when under the influence of alcohol.
According to Legislative Affairs Vice Chair Morgan Rae, nine other states currently have a similar policy.
“Wisconsin does have a much bigger drinking culture than some other states do,” Rae said. “So if they’re concerned about it, I think [Wisconsin should] be as well.”
Additionally, the committee will lobby the state for increased student involvement in appointing UW System Board of Regents student representatives in a second campaign.
Legislative Affairs Chair Dan Statter said while under current law the governor is given sole authority in appointing student regent representatives, the committee hopes to reach a compromise in which student governments throughout the UW System would make recommendations to the governor for student regent appointments.
“We feel like this is a time when students are ready to have this conversation, they’re ready to understand it and get involved, and now it’s our responsibility to make sure it happens,” Statter said.