The Associated Students of Madison is collaborating with multiple campus groups to collect goods for a Hurricane Sandy Relief Drive to run from Nov. 29 to Dec. 8.
There will be several drop-off boxes located throughout campus during the week, where students can donate necessary goods for the victims. ASM members will help transport donated goods to those affected by the storm.
The campus Greek community will assist in collecting goods and organizing drop-off locations, according to an ASM press release. UW-Madison Housing will provide barrels for dropping off goods throughout the week, as will the Presbyterian House, located at 731 State St.
Donation boxes will also be available at student group First Wave’s performances, which are free to students, according to ASM Spokesperson David Gardner. These events typically consist of music, dancing and preaching spoken word.
The events will take place on Nov. 30 at 3:30 p.m. in the H’Doubler Auditorium of Lathrop Hall, Dec. 7 at 9 p.m. in the MSC Lounge of the Red Gym, and Dec. 8 at 9 p.m. in the Memorial Union Rathskeller.