State Rep. Don Pridemore, R-Erin, a candidate for state Superintendent of Public Instruction, said he supported putting armed guards inside public schools in a Thursday statement released by his campaign, prompting a harsh response from state liberals.
The Pridemore campaign addressed the need for state school boards to keep children safe in its statement, an issue that has gained nationwide attention after the Sandy Hook massacre.
Pridemore said the best way to maintain a high level of safety would be to allow community members who are “experienced with applying force whenever force is required” to patrol inside schools.
“The most cost-effective approach would be to permit local school boards, administrators and parents to be able to ask qualified people from their own communities, to volunteer to do this work as a public service as a way of giving to their communities while they are in retirement,” the Pridemore campaign said in the statement.
Pridemore went on to say the ultimate decision should rest with the local community and school board instead of the Department of Public Instruction or other governmental agencies.
Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, criticized Pridemore for his record on education and his “armed volunteer” proposal.
“This would be laughable, if he weren’t serious,” Ross said in a statement.
Pridemore has served as a state representative since 2005, and declared his candidacy for state superintendent in early December. The election will take place this April.
Since being elected to the state Assembly, Pridemore has primarily focused his efforts on education, serving on multiple committees dedicated to statewide and inner-city education reform.