The Associated Students of Madison Student Services Finance Committee approved the 2014-’15 budget for Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán at a meeting Wednesday after a long debate from committee members.
MEChA introduced its proposed budget to SSFC last Monday. MEChA is a group that aims to empower students of the Chicano society through education and political involvement, according to the organization’s website.
SSFC Chair David Vines said the majority of the controversy regarding the approval of MEChA’s budget stemmed from “whether or not the travel and events line item was over the $15,000 cap that is established in the bylaws.”
SSFC Vice Chair Ian Malmstadt introduced this concern to the committee, citing that there were line items proposed by the organization as direct services that should be considered events.
MEChA representatives protested the claim, saying they had met with a financial advisor and were in accordance with the bylaws.
Vines noted there was “ambiguity” among committee members as to what should be considered a direct service and an event.
According to SSFC Rep. Devon Maier, direct services are any activities facilitated by organizations that are performed without the aid of outside speakers or training. Maier said because speakers would be present at many of MEChA’s proposed direct services, those activities would be considered events and should be placed in the events line item.
ASM Assistant Director of Financial Services Rich Sterkowitz said a financial advisor told MEChA its proposed budget exceeded the $15,000 cap and advised it to alter its budget to fix that issue.
SSFC members transferred and removed funds from MEChA’s proposed budget and ultimately approved the organization’s $82,422 budget in a 5-2 vote with one abstention.
The committee also heard a 2014-’15 budget proposal from Wisconsin Student Public Interest Research Group. WISPIRG’s mission, according to its website, is to try to evoke change in the world by encouraging students to get involved in current events.
WISPIRG Chair Mariella Treleven noted only 9 percent of last year’s budget was not used.
SSFC will make a decision on WISPIRG’s budget at a meeting Monday.