As promised Wednesday night, Gov. Scott Walker issued Executive Order 129 Thursday, requesting Wisconsin’s Legislature convene to act on legislation regarding the governor's new “Blueprint for Prosperity.”
Walker’s plan aims to lower income taxes, property taxes and state withholding income taxes, and invest part of the $911 million surplus in technical colleges.
“People don’t tell me that they want to keep sending more money to Madison,” Walker said in a statement.“ They don’t tell me that taxes are too low or even that taxes are just right.”
Walker said he would call upon both parties to help give citizens a “much-needed” tax relief.
He also said in the statement the total tax relief granted to Wisconsinites since he took office is approximately $2 billion.
“There is more work left to be done, but our state now finds itself on much stronger footing than it did just three years ago,” Walker said.
Minority leader Sen. Chris Larson, D-Milwaukee, announced on his weekly Democratic radio address that the seniors, veterans and people in need of health care are no better off than before the recession.
Larson said strong public schools were the first step for a long-term stable economy.
“We must invest in our children, ensuring they all have an equal opportunity to succeed,” Larson said.