The Associated Students of Madison Diversity Committee student leaders called for the public release of the Diversity Plan draft at a meeting Thursday.
The draft of the plan, which was released Feb. 18 to select groups on campus, outlines the latest plan to create a welcoming environment around campus for all students.
After breaking into groups and discussing their own feelings on the plan, the committee decided it is important for all students, with Diversity Committee Chair Jessica Behling saying the draft, “needs to be released to the student population at large.”
The committee unanimously voted in favor of a resolution that would ensure the draft of the new diversity plan would be distributed to all students, faculty and staff so that they may better be able to ask questions and give opinions about the plans at future ASM meetings. The resolution calls for the plan to be made available both through emails to students and online for easy access.
The resolution will now move to council for final approval to widely distribute the plan.