Money Smart Week Wisconsin, an initiative aimed at increasing the personal financial awareness of Wisconsinites, has been scheduled for April 5-12.
The Governor’s Council on Financial Literacy and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago are spearheading the initiative that Gov. Scott Walker endorses, according to George Althoff, communications director for the Department of Financial Institutions.
Most events will be focused on teaching elementary-school age children personal financial literacy.
The “Big Read” initiative is one of the featured events. More than 8,500 complimentary copies of “Curious George Saves His Pennies” by Margret and HA Rey and “Bunny Money” by Rosemary Wells will be distributed and read to children during the week, according to Althoff.
Peter Bildsten, secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions, voiced his approval for the initiative in a statement.
“The seminars and workshops scheduled during April will help Wisconsin citizens, young and old alike, to become more financially literate,” Bildsten said. “These efforts are good for Wisconsin consumers and good for the state’s economy.”