Online and walk-in registration for Madison’s 33rd annual Crazylegs eight-kilometer run and two-mile walk will close soon.
The walk/run is an annual event held in Madison for Badgers and non-Badgers young and old to enjoy a city-wide tradition. The first race was held in 1982, where 1,525 runners and walkers raised approximately $9,500 for University of Wisconsin athletics, according to the website. Since then, Crazylegs has attracted over 285,200 participants to support UW athletes and kick off the spring season.
The event will take place Saturday, April 26 at Capitol Square. Monetary prizes are lined up for the top three male and female runners ranging from $200-$500. A post-celebration will be held in Camp Randall, where cover band Final Say and the UW marching band will perform, according to the website.
Online registration for the event will close April 22 at midnight. Information for registration and fees can be found on the official website. Walk-in registration will be available for individuals April 25 from noon-8 p.m. and April 26 from 7-9 a.m. at the Kohl Center.