Phil Swanhorst, a Chippewa Falls resident and active community member, announced Thursday his candidacy for Wisconsin’s 23rd state Senate District.
Swanhorst said one issue he hopes to address is public education, according to a statement. He said in the statement that as a father, he is fighting to maintain Chippewa Valley’s public schools, and wants to inspire people about “drastic” public education cuts.
“It is my hope that I can bring people together to find common sense solutions to the problems that we all face,” Swanhorst said in the statement.
He said he is also devoted to improve access to public transit. Driving a bus for the City of Eau Claire for 12 years, Swanhorst said he plans to ensure local roads are safe for travel and commerce.
In addition to being the president of his local Amalgamated Transit Union, he is a co-founder of the Chippewa Valley Transit Alliance, according to the statement.